- Obstetric Ultrasound
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Bladder or Kidneys (Renal)
You must have a full bladder. Finish drinking FOUR (250ml) glasses of water 1 hour before your appointment. Keep your bladder full.
- Have your AHS card and photo ID ready when checking in at reception.
- You are now required to wear a mask for your exam. Please bring one to your appointment.
- If you are COVID-19 positive, have a fever, or have traveled outside the country within the last 14 days, please rebook your exam by calling us at 780-669-2222.
- A requisition (form provided by your doctor) is required* for your exam. We will not be able to proceed without it.
*Screening Mammograms may be self-referred without a requisition. Additionally, the requisition for certain obstetric exams is kept on file for that series of appointments.
You may send us your requisition in advance using the form below.